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Invest in the Alliance

Supporting Hampton Roads Business

As an Alliance investor, you are supporting the growth of our regional economy. Our investor companies and organizations are involved in a variety of activities, including networking and collaborating with local business and government leaders and, as a result, are provided with great promotional opportunities.

Why Invest with the Alliance?

Levels of Investment and Benefits:

Diamond: $100,000 +

Communications & Business Intelligence

  • Potential to be included in a media story
  • Potential co-advertising opportunities
  • Social media spotlight once a year
  • Opportunity to engage with businesses, site location consultants and economic development partners
  • Opportunity to receive marketing support
  • Receive all Alliance investor-related communications
  • Opportunity to receive research/market report
  • Priority notice of investment announcements and press releases
  • Receive Midyear and Annual Reports

Brand Recognition & Promotion

  • Logo promotion on Alliance homepage
  • Opportunity for featured content/headline news on Alliance website
  • Special recognition at Annual Meeting and Holiday Reception
  • Logo display in directory on Alliance website
  • Logo display at all quarterly investor events
  • Directory profile on Alliance website
  • Opportunity to sponsor quarterly investor event(s)
  • Company name with hyperlink on directory on Alliance website
  • Company name listed on directory on Alliance website
  • Promotion at Annual Meeting and in Annual Report

Engagement & Events

  • Invitation to ribbon cutting events with new/expanding companies
  • Primary referral to your company for prospects + others
  • First access to exclusive engagements and opportunities as they arise
  • Opportunity to be elected to Board of Directors
  • Opportunity to host meetings/events at the Virginia Offshore Wind Landing
  • Access to events and programming with the Virginia Offshore Wind Landing
  • Invitations to Annual Meeting, quarterly investor events and Holiday Reception
  • Opportunity to sponsor industry events
  • Opportunity to attend Women of Offshore Wind (WOW) events
  • Network with executives + government partners at events

Business Attraction

  • Primary host for prospects/media/site consultants
  • Potential participation in international job recruitment missions
  • Potential participation in domestic job recruitment missions
  • Opportunity to be engaged in recruiting new companies into the market
Platinum: $50,000 - $99,999

Communications & Business Intelligence

  • Potential to be included in a media story
  • Potential co-advertising opportunities
  • Social media spotlight once a year
  • Opportunity to engage with businesses, site location consultants and economic development partners
  • Opportunity to receive marketing support
  • Receive all Alliance investor-related communications
  • Opportunity to receive research/market report
  • Priority notice of investment announcements and press releases
  • Receive Midyear and Annual Reports

Brand Recognition & Promotion

  • Special recognition at Annual Meeting and Holiday Reception
  • Logo display in directory on Alliance website
  • Logo display at all quarterly investor events
  • Directory profile on Alliance website
  • Opportunity to sponsor quarterly investor event(s)
  • Company name with hyperlink on directory on Alliance website
  • Company name listed on directory on Alliance website
  • Promotion at Annual Meeting and in Annual Report

Engagement & Events

  • Primary referral to your company for prospects + others
  • First access to exclusive engagements and opportunities as they arise
  • Opportunity to be elected to Board of Directors
  • Opportunity to host meetings/events at the Virginia Offshore Wind Landing
  • Access to events and programming with the Virginia Offshore Wind Landing
  • Invitations to Annual Meeting, quarterly investor events and Holiday Reception
  • Opportunity to sponsor industry events
  • Opportunity to attend Women of Offshore Wind (WOW) events
  • Network with executives + government partners at events

Business Attraction

  • Primary host for prospects/media/site consultants
  • Potential participation in international job recruitment missions
  • Potential participation in domestic job recruitment missions
  • Opportunity to be engaged in recruiting new companies into the market
Gold: $25,000 - $49,999

Communications & Business Intelligence

  • Social media spotlight once a year
  • Opportunity to engage with businesses, site location consultants and economic development partners
  • Opportunity to receive marketing support
  • Receive all Alliance investor-related communications
  • Opportunity to receive research/market report
  • Priority notice of investment announcements and press releases
  • Receive Midyear and Annual Reports

Brand Recognition & Promotion

  • Logo display at all quarterly investor events
  • Logo display in directory on Alliance website
  • Opportunity to sponsor quarterly investor event(s)
  • Company name with hyperlink on directory on Alliance website
  • Company name listed on directory on Alliance website
  • Promotion at Annual Meeting and in Annual Report

Engagement & Events

  • Primary referral to your company for prospects + others
  • First access to exclusive engagements and opportunities as they arise
  • Opportunity to be elected to Board of Directors
  • Opportunity to host meetings/events at the Virginia Offshore Wind Landing
  • Access to events and programming with the Virginia Offshore Wind Landing
  • Invitations to Annual Meeting, quarterly investor events and Holiday Reception
  • Opportunity to sponsor industry events
  • Opportunity to attend Women of Offshore Wind (WOW) events
  • Network with executives + government partners at events

Business Attraction

  • Potential participation in domestic job recruitment missions
  • Opportunity to be engaged in recruiting new companies into the market
Silver: $10,000 - $24,999

Communications & Business Intelligence

  • Opportunity to receive marketing support
  • Receive all Alliance investor-related communications
  • Opportunity to receive research/market report
  • Priority notice of investment announcements and press releases
  • Receive Midyear and Annual Reports

Brand Recognition & Promotion

  • Opportunity to sponsor quarterly investor event(s)
  • Company name with hyperlink on directory on Alliance website
  • Company name listed on directory on Alliance website
  • Promotion at Annual Meeting and in Annual Report

Engagement & Events

  • Opportunity to host meetings/events at the Virginia Offshore Wind Landing
  • Access to events and programming with the Virginia Offshore Wind Landing
  • Invitations to Annual Meeting, quarterly investor events and Holiday Reception
  • Opportunity to sponsor industry events
  • Opportunity to attend Women of Offshore Wind (WOW) events
  • Network with executives + government partners at events

Business Attraction

  • Opportunity to be engaged in recruiting new companies into the market
Bronze: $5,000 - $9,999

Communications & Business Intelligence

  • Receive all Alliance investor-related communications
  • Opportunity to receive research/market report
  • Priority notice of investment announcements and press releases
  • Receive Midyear and Annual Reports

Brand Recognition & Promotion

  • Company name listed on directory on Alliance website
  • Promotion at Annual Meeting and in Annual Report

Engagement & Events

  • Invitations to Annual Meeting, quarterly investor events and Holiday Reception
  • Opportunity to sponsor industry events
  • Opportunity to attend Women of Offshore Wind (WOW) events
  • Network with executives + government partners at events

Business Attraction

  • Opportunity to be engaged in recruiting new companies into the market

Looking to Invest in the Hampton Roads Alliance?

If you are a local company looking to get involved with regional economic development, please use this friendly form to connect with us and embark on a journey of growth and collaboration.