The Hampton Roads Alliance is governed by an experienced and knowledgeable Board of Directors, comprised of C-suite executives from some of our largest employers and Mayors from throughout the region.
Mayor, City of Chesapeake
Mayor, City of Hampton
Mayor, City of Newport News
Mayor, City of Norfolk
Mayor, City of Virginia Beach
Mayor, City of Portsmouth
Mayor, City of Williamsburg
Senior Vice President - East Region, Ferguson Enterprise
President, Virginia Natural Gas
President, Virginia Beach TowneBank
(Retired) Executive Vice President & Chief Human Resources Officer, Huntington Ingalls Industries
President & CEO, Hampton Roads Alliance
Vice President, Supply Chain at Newport News Shipbuilding, a Division of Huntington Ingalls Industries
Market Vice President, Cox Communications
Executive Chairman, W.M. Jordan Company
Executive Vice President, Governance & External Affairs, Sentara Healthcare
CEO, The Miller Group/Fairlead
President, Hampton University
President and CEO, Hampton Roads Workforce Council
City Manager, City of Hampton
President and CEO, Reinvent Hampton Roads
Director, City of Norfolk Economic Development
Member, Willcox Savage