President’s Report – January 2024

Written on January 31, 2024

Happy New Year! I am thrilled to share with you the highlights of recent activities and developments in our region. We started the year with a remarkable investor event on January 11th with a bipartisan panel discussion featuring three former Virginia governors: George Allen, Bob McDonnell, and Ralph Northam. The event was one of the largest investor events in recent years and offered valuable insights into Virginia’s economic landscape.

The Governors engaged in thoughtful conversations about their respective tenures, shedding light on the significant economic development events and initiatives that shaped the state. Attendees gained a deeper understanding of Virginia’s economic journey, with a focus on job creation and overall economic growth. The panel addressed a series of thought-provoking questions that delved into the past, present, and future of Virginia’s economic development including discussion on some of the most significant economic development events during their tenures and how these initiatives have influenced the state’s current economic landscape. The Governors, drawing from their rich experience, closed with valuable advice for our regional leaders in regarding economic development in Hampton Roads.

All three governors decided to call Hampton Roads home after they left office, a testament to the quality of life in our region. We extend our sincere appreciation to Amazon, our presenting sponsor, and Old Dominion University for graciously hosting this impactful session. Thank you to everyone who attended and contributed to making this event a success.

The Governors panel set the stage for our annual meeting where Bruce Katz, author of The New Localism and the Founding Director of the Novak Metro Finance lab at Drexel University will be our featured speaker. Katz has been studying and writing about the new regional economic order that is evolving and is driven by a series of transnational challenges that are forcing radical changes in how societies redesign complex systems. Katz maintains that the regions poised for success in this new order are those that excel as military metros, technology epicenters, climate first movers, and trading powerhouses. This foresight bodes particularly well for Hampton Roads, with our strategic military presence, burgeoning tech industry (Jefferson Lab), proactive climate initiatives and focus on clean energy, and our robust trading infrastructure at the Port of Virginia. Our strengths align seamlessly with the characteristics of these thriving future regions.

I look forward to sharing the details of our record performance in 2023 at the Alliance’s annual meeting with our investors on February 29th at Hampton University. We look forward to continuing our efforts with you all to promote economic development and collaboration in the Hampton Roads region in 2024.

Your ally in economic development,
Doug Smith, President & CEO

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