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Investor Spotlight: Virginia Natural Gas

Written on June 8, 2021

As Hampton Roads has grown, so has Virginia Natural Gas.  Company leaders stated that the region has all the building blocks for a successful economy, including top educational institutions, a world-class port, unified business and political leadership with a fortified defense community, and an enviable quality of life.  VNG is a founding member of Our Nation’s Energy (ONE) Future, a national coalition of natural gas companies that have taken steps to lead on environmental issues by voluntarily acting to reduce methane intensity of operations to 1 percent or less. VNG met and exceeded these goals, delivering 99.85% of the natural gas in our system to be utilized by their customers. They have accomplished this in part by doing business with suppliers and transporters that are also committed to low methane emission intensity. These partnerships allow VNG to offer Next-Generation Gas, which is sourced, transported, and distributed by companies committed to the same low methane emission intensity as VNG. Today, 25 percent of VNG’s annual natural gas supply is Next Generation Gas.

Evergreen Team

The company continues to expand its services and add value for its customers.  In 2019, VNG completed the Southside Connector, enabling them to flow gas from the Southside to the Peninsula, or vice-versa, to source the lowest cost gas for customers while providing enhancements to system reliability.  To date this Connector has saved VNG customers more than $5.4 million and improved the reliability of the VNG system. They also recently launched their “Evergreen Team” of volunteers who proudly support sustainability initiatives in the Hampton Roads area; the first project to finish is a Monarch Pollinator Garden to entice butterflies to return to Virginia in the spring after their fall migration from Mexico.

VNG attributes their growth to the abundant labor pool in Hampton Roads that allows them to hire high-skilled individuals to perform their services.  Resources available like those from the Hampton Roads Workforce Council, local K-12 and higher education systems, and the thousands of exiting military also provide a diverse pool of ample talent to grow their business.

When looking toward the future, Robert Duvall, President, Virginia Natural Gas, noted that “The Hampton Roads maritime community continues to be a growing area of our economy. Supporting growth at the Port of Virginia and throughout the maritime industry will continue to stimulate commerce in the region and make the region an attractive place for the offshore wind supply chain or new advanced manufacturing opportunities. These industries require a significant amount of energy and VNG looks forward to working with regional partners to provide reliable and resilient natural gas to these businesses that will bring high-quality jobs to Hampton Roads.”

VNG also attributes success to the new Hampton Roads Alliance. “VNG firmly believes the new Hampton Roads Alliance leadership is charting the region in the right direction,” said Duvall. “Couple this with heightened alignment among elected and business leaders to see this region grow and VNG could not pass up the opportunity to be a part of what the Alliance is doing.”

In 2020, Virginia Natural Gas helped to fight the financial burdens of the pandemic and gave back to their community. Most notably, they donated more than $300,000 to local relief organizations such as the United Way of the Virginia Peninsula and the United Way of South Hampton Roads, and the Foodbank of Virginia Peninsula and Foodbank of Southeastern Virginia. Funds were also allocated to the Union Mission Ministries, along with Senior Services of Southeast Virginia and the Peninsula Agency on Aging which support the various Meals on Wheels programs across the region.

Click here to learn more about Virginia Natural Gas’ work to support the Hampton Roads community:

To learn more about VNG, click here:

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